Friday, December 25, 2015

Memoir 12/25/15

For the past several days I have felt like I needed to be writing something. No short stories or poetry but something more personal. Something always seems to come up though and I put it off.

Well, it's not so much that "something always comes up" as it is my not having a clue how to start or even what to write about.

I'm not in the best state of mind viz a viz my general outlook. Part of it has to do with the incessant overkill and overexposure that is Donald Trump. No, I'm not a Republican so he's not my problem...I am tempted to add "yet" but that would assume that he will actually make it through to the parties nomination and into the general election. This is something that I can't even fathom. Surely there's no way he can get enough support to be nominated. I say that even though he has proven to have a weird kind of staying power fueled by blatant offensiveness and telling frightened uneducated people what they want to hear.

And it's these frightened, uneducated people that are disconcerting. Trump's Islamophobia is a case example and his plan to keep all Muslims from entering into the country has for some reason really gotten under my skin. It's not that I care about Islam. Islam is the most boring of all world religions as far as I'm concerned and it's fierce paternal monotheism is as far from what I'd hope for in a religion as you can throw at me. I don't personally know any Muslims though I am reading the Quoran so I can answer questions that might be asked of me.

So why does it bug me so much that Trump and his followers (and even other right wingers who are smarter than Trump's pack) seem to be targeting the whole of Islam instead of the radical fringe that I think of as radical jihadists and there's something so insanely unfair about this throwing out the baby with the bathwater that it angers me. It's as if they completely ignore the first amendment's guarantee of freedom of religion, all the while making a big to-do over their own Christianity (which no doubt many of them understand almost as insufficiently as they do Islam). These are people who rally behind the second amendment so they can kiss the NRA's ass and buy assault rifles to ostensibly defend themselves against terrorists etc. Yes, that second amendment is gold to them but not the first (at least not all of the first since they still demand freedom of speech...the same freedom of speech that would seem to allow them to twist the real into half-truths to make lies seem legitimate and trivialize the truth).

More later.

Monday, December 14, 2015


I wanted to write about my distaste for Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump. Unfortunately it was late and I had taken not one but two 10mg doses of Ambien. This is the result, which was very extensively edited:

 don't understand what is happening with my writing. Oh, I know the reason for it but I can't fathom why it dows, Just then the cursor got away from me and skidded all the way to the top of the page, It's frustrating when you hit on an s after trying diligently for 5 entire minutes. And that's when it' productive. Most cof the time letters spir our in the mosr random orders I am forced to do battle with  a multitude of wrong letters before eventyally finding the right orders, a tedious and distresssing task indeed,

So the big guys at the high dollar insurance company want to know what is so damn important the I'm writing this even though, 1.) i'm so goddamn tired I can hardly see sreaignt or even sit up an b.) I thought I has significantly small swathes of wisdom ro offer about the dangers of sleep deprivation.  Indeed I do, some tidbits of info that the smartest amonst your lot would be served well to take he techiques home and spend as much free time as you possibly can in tinkering with the techniques. Rhey will nor..fuck me, I've losrt my train of thought.

What I want to talk to you about is the state of the world circa 2015. In particular the snakepit known as facebook. Everybody must use facebook. That is rule number one.All face book members simply MU

This here shit will scare the shit outta ya

Hoo Ba Ba Kanda

Sigur Ros Live at Best Kept Secret Festival, July 12, 2013