Monday, December 14, 2015


I wanted to write about my distaste for Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump. Unfortunately it was late and I had taken not one but two 10mg doses of Ambien. This is the result, which was very extensively edited:

 don't understand what is happening with my writing. Oh, I know the reason for it but I can't fathom why it dows, Just then the cursor got away from me and skidded all the way to the top of the page, It's frustrating when you hit on an s after trying diligently for 5 entire minutes. And that's when it' productive. Most cof the time letters spir our in the mosr random orders I am forced to do battle with  a multitude of wrong letters before eventyally finding the right orders, a tedious and distresssing task indeed,

So the big guys at the high dollar insurance company want to know what is so damn important the I'm writing this even though, 1.) i'm so goddamn tired I can hardly see sreaignt or even sit up an b.) I thought I has significantly small swathes of wisdom ro offer about the dangers of sleep deprivation.  Indeed I do, some tidbits of info that the smartest amonst your lot would be served well to take he techiques home and spend as much free time as you possibly can in tinkering with the techniques. Rhey will nor..fuck me, I've losrt my train of thought.

What I want to talk to you about is the state of the world circa 2015. In particular the snakepit known as facebook. Everybody must use facebook. That is rule number one.All face book members simply MU

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